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Filtering by: Description tesim From the Sentinel: "An equipment shed stood in front of the cook house. A tall pear tree was there, too. A lean-to shelter was on the south end of the cook house. At right are stacked the 8-foot lengths of wood used for burning the limestone. The lime kiln is hidden behind the cooperage (long, low building at the end of the road.) Barrels for the lime were made there." Remove constraint Description tesim: From the Sentinel: "An equipment shed stood in front of the cook house. A tall pear tree was there, too. A lean-to shelter was on the south end of the cook house. At right are stacked the 8-foot lengths of wood used for burning the limestone. The lime kiln is hidden behind the cooperage (long, low building at the end of the road.) Barrels for the lime were made there."

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